The Enchanted Homeschool

12-Week Course and Full-Color Book

"The only words that ever satisfied me as describing Nature are the terms used in the fairy books, 'charm,' 'spell,' 'enchantment.' They express the arbitrariness of the fact and its mystery. A tree grows fruit because it is a magic tree. Water runs downhill because it is bewitched. The sun shines because it is bewitched. I deny altogether that this is fantastic or even mystical." - G.K. Chesterton

In a world where magic is real and enchantment awaits around every corner, welcome to The Enchanted Homeschool, a 12-week course and full-color book that brings whimsy and wonder to your children's education.

Like a letter from a wizarding school, we invite you to bring the same sense of magic into your homeschool days. Without delving into any dark themes, we’ll immerse ourselves in the magic and wonder of the natural world around us through 60 captivating and hands-on lessons.

These activities are meant to be carried out each weekday for 12 weeks, but you can complete them at your own pace or even pick and choose to suit your schedule. You'll also receive a 152-page, full-color book in the mail to accompany the online course. Let’s take our children back to the place where they belong. It’s time to bring them home.

Note: Due to mailing costs and failure rates, we are no longer able to ship the book to any other country besides the USA and Canada. You can still purchase the course; however, we are unable to ship the book overseas.

Week 1: Fantasia of Fire
1: Herbology: A Reversible Herbarium
2: Care of Magical Creatures: A Dragon-Eye Grimoire 
3: History of Magic: Fire Snake Potion
4: Muggle Studies: Ancient Persian Cylinder Seals
5: Enchanted Elective: Wandcraft

Week 2: The Allure of Air
1: Herbology: Propagation Station
2: Care of Magical Creatures: Hippogriff Feather Crown
3: A History of Magic: Whimsical Windsock Tutorial
4: Muggle Studies: Ancient Greece and the Labyrinth
5: Enchanted Elective: A Wizard Window Scene

Week 3: Elements of Earth
1: Herbology: Sorcery with Celery
2: Care of Magical Creatures: Nature Sculptures in the Forest
3: History of Magic: Tea-Stained Parchment Tutorial
4: Muggle Studies Shrunken Head Apple-Mummies
5: Enchanted Elective: Crafting a Wizard’s Broom

Week 4: Water and Whimsy
1: Herbology: Eco-Dyed Silk Scarf
2: Care of Magical Creatures: A Magical Merfolk Mobile
3: History of Magic: Archimedes and His Water-Screw
4: Muggle Studies: Natural Tattoo Face-paint
5: Enchanted Elective: Fire and Ice Candles

Week 5: Prints & Parchment
1: Herbology: Growing Gillyplants: A Fernarium Tutorial
2: Care of Magical Creatures: Unicorn Horn Specimen Tutorial 
3: History of Magic: Gutenberg’s Printing Press: A Printmaking Tutorial 
4: Muggle Studies: Handmade Incense Cones
5: Enchanted Elective: A Handcrafted Scroll Tutorial 

Week 6: Magical Math
1: Herbology: A Garland of Spellbinding Seeds
2: Care Of Magical Creatures: Fiery Phoenix Thaumatrope
3: History of Magic: A Handmade Compass
4: Muggle Studies: Watercolor Lanterns
5: Enchanted Elective: The Magic of a Mobius Strip

Week 7: Forest Tales
1: Herbology: Forbidden Forest Pine Tea
2: Care of Magical Creatures: Crafted Costume Werewolf Paws
3: History of Magic: Invention of the Telephone: Ringing Spoon Experiment 
4: Muggle Studies: Weaving a Raffia Basket 
5: Enchanted Elective: Homemade Quill and Invisible Ink

Week 8: Fungus & Fantasy
1: Herbology: The Fantasy of Fungus
2: Care Of Magical Creatures: A Forest-Foraged Bow and Arrow
3: History of Magic: Discovery of Penicillin and Chocolate-Drizzled Fungi
4: Muggle Studies: Painting a Russian Nesting Doll 
5: Enchanted Elective: Making a Magical Velvet Pouch

Week 9: Festivals & Folklore
1: Herbology: Herbal Healing Potion
2: Care Of Magical Creatures: Felted Gnome Storytelling Puppets
3: A History of Magic: A Handmade Kaleidoscope
4: Muggle Studies: A Mexican Spiced Drinking Chocolate
5: Enchanted Electives: The Making of Code-Stones

Week 10: Under Many Moons
1: Herbology: Yuletide Smoke-Wands and Cauldron-Spices
2: Care of Magical Creatures: Spiders and Spooks
3: A History of Magic: A Lemon-Powered Lightbulb
4: Muggle Studies: Handmade Paper Beads
5: Enchanted Elective: Lunar Legends and a Moon Phase Batik

Week 11: Alchemy & Elixirs
1: Herbology: Herbal Elixirs and Oxymels
2: Care of Magical Creatures: A Fairy Cottage for Minibeasts
3: History of Magic: Ancient Alchemy and Growing Crystals
4: Muggle Studies: An Ancient Viking Board Game 
5: Enchanted Elective: Poetry Teatime with a Magical Twist

Week 12: Of Herbs and ink
1: Herbology A Wizard’s Herb-Drying Wreath
2: Care Of Magical Creatures: A Basilisk Fang Bookmark
3: History of Magic: The Invention of Soap
4: Muggle Studies: A Wizard’s Whimsical Shimmer-Globe
5: Enchanted Elective: Designing Your Own Fantasy Map 

Instructional Videos

Each lesson includes a video tutorial where Leah Damon shares the project, tutorial, or lesson for that day's study.

Whether it's a handcraft, a project, or a special subject, you can help your kids experience the wonder of learning.

When you finish the assignment, you can mark it as completed.

G.K. Chesterton wrote, "The only words that ever satisfied me as describing Nature are the terms used in the fairy books, 'charm,' 'spell,' 'enchantment.'"

And now you and your children can be satisfied by the fruit of learning about history, science, and nature through these fascinating projects, handcrafts, and lessons. Welcome to The Enchanted Homeschool!

The Creators of The Enchanted Homeschool

For over the past year and a half, Wild + Free writer Leah Damon and photographer Cory Williams put together an extraordinary course called The Enchanted Homeschool. We've been keeping their work under wraps, designing the book and course, in anticipation of sharing it with you here. This resource is rich with historical and scientific concepts, while featuring hands-on handcrafts, activities, and projects - resulting in this remarkable product.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for the book to arrive?

The book should arrive at US addresses within 3 weeks, but we'll do our best to get it there sooner. It may take longer for shipments to Canada.

Can you ship internationally?

Note: Due to mailing costs and failure rates, we are no longer able to ship the book to any other country besides the USA and Canada. You can still purchase the course; however, we are unable to ship the book overseas.

What ages is this course geared toward?

We designed it for children elementary-aged and up. But no age is too young or old to enjoy the inspiration, tutorials and adventures. The wonderful benefit of learning together is that everything is adaptable - from skill (art and crafts) to interest (content and conversation).

Do you sell copies of the book separately?

Sorry, not right now. This offer is for the course and the book together.

Do Wild + Free members get discounts?

Yes! Please log-in to your membership account and visit this page before you purchase the course for a $10 discount code. If you're not currently a member, sign-up here first, then visit this page for the discount code.

Do you offer refunds?

Sorry, all purchases are final. If you'd like to know what others think of the course, keep an eye on the Wild + Free Instagram account and comments.

Does the course actually last 12 weeks?

We release the entire contents of the course to you upon purchase, so you can take as long or as little time as you'd like to complete it.

How long do I have access to the course? For as long as you need it.